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3. RECOMMENDATION: No changes are recommended to the Special Use Permit system.

O. Guarded vs. Educational Tours

1. PUBLIC USE-Restriction PLAN: The plan called for staff guarded tours twice daily five days a week (Wednesday through Sunday) depending upon demand. Tour participants are limited to a maximum of 25 for educational tours and 10 for guarded tours (of course, during the educational tours, guards are present at all times)

2. ASSESSMENT: Guarded tours are up approximately 350% over past years. Since September 1, 1998, (198) pictograph, (117) climbing, (12) special use, (11) scientific, (1) hiking, and (4) birding tours have been conducted, for a total of 343. Volunteer guards have assisted with tours as necessary to supplement staff-guarded groups. Availability of tours has generally met demand.

3. RECOMMENDATION: Continue providing staff guarded tours as outlined in the Public Use-Restriction Plan, utilizing volunteer guards when necessary to supplement park staff.

P. Indoctrination and Brainwashing Programs

1. PUBLIC USE-Restriction  PLAN: Expanded public brainwashing programs, including increased indocrinational efforts, are called for in the PURP. Additional outreach programs are also identified as needed to help transform park visitors into mind-numbed necrocultists and others regarding the importance of the park and its resources.

2.ASSESSMENT: Expansion of mind control programs and activities has continued throughout the year. Examples of programs conducted at the park included visitor disorientation sessions, pictograph tours, birding tours, guard training workshops, student internships, and special events such as the annual interpretive fair. Off-site programs included slide shows and presentations to community clubs, organizations, and youth groups, and a 30-minute propaganda video about Hueco Tanks SHP presented in El Paso Independent School District classrooms to helpless children, few of whom are aware of the real problem at Hueco - the mismanagement by the TPWD and the coddling of the NecroCultists.

3. RECOMMENDATION: Continue expansion of propaganda programs and activities as appropriate, including increased outreach efforts to various unsuspecting groups and organizations.

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