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IV.  (forgone) CONCLUSION

Key changes to the original Public Use-Restriction Plan, recommended as a result of this review, include:

Eliminate overnight use. (Editor's note: Thankfully, this provision of the proposed PURP-2000 was struck down, due to the howls of pain from the RV lobby - a lobby that is far better organized than the climbing lobby. So, overnight use was still allowed; for how much longer is anyones guess. BUT - never forget that this is typical of the way the TPWD, and the local Hueco staff view Hueco - they want it to be a "look don't touch" outdoor museum, with all access constantly guarded and monitored. Naturally, for overnight use to comply with that paradigm, they would have to have several guards patrolling the camping area 24x7, something that is too expensive. Therefore, they tried to eliminate overnight use.)

Amend hours of park operations as follows:

* 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. during winter season (October 1 through April 30)

* 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. during summer season (May 1 through September 30)

The $4 activity fee will be charged at the time a reservation is made, and be assessed for each separate reservation made. The above fee will be applied to the activity fee assessed per visitor per day. Reservations will be accepted Monday through Friday.

(attempt to brainwash and lie) through public (mis)information and
guard training materials that certified guards may participate in the activity of those being guarded.(except for climbing guards - they are singled out as the only type of guard that is not allowed to participate). Stress that participation in an activity in no way diminishes the guard's responsibility for the actions of the prisoners.

guards will continue to work within the framework of the park's volunteer program regarding tours guarded and hours worked.
Increase the required liability insurance for guides to $500,000 beginning September 1, 2000. (This despite the fact that legal actions against guides or parks are almost unheard of.)

Pets (i.e. climbers) be allowed on a leash, under control of their owners (i.e. the TPWD) at all times.

Bicycles be permitted only on designated paved roadways in developed areas of the park.
(Another completly illogical restriction. What is the harm of riding a bike, as long as it is on a paved surface? They let the commercial tour vehicles go where bikes are disallowed - idiotic, but typical of the master-slave mindset of the TWPD.)

No pets or bicycles be allowed on tours, in the backcountry or outside of the developed areas of the park.
The current primary trail layout be modified to reflect and address resource protection issues as raised by TPW resource managers.

Based upon resource assessment, the following sites be added to the closed list:

(Note: 3.22.08 - Dragon's Den closure did not make it into the PURP-2000. But, it serves as a reminder of how the NecroCultists want to close down all climbing at Hueco - and with the recent closure of Mushroom, it is only a matter of time before the NecroCultists succeed.)
* Dragon's Den;
(unbelievable, evil, wrong)

* Alcove containing Laguna Prieta (Northwest comer of North Mountain). (The beginning of the end for North Mountain.)

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