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The September 1998 Public Use-Restriction Plan should continue to provide the framework for operation and (mis)management of Hueco Tanks SHP. The modifications noted in the sections above are proposed for implementation following a period of public and peer review. (The TPWD finds "public review " annoying but unavoidable - they have to keep up the appearance of listening to the public, you know. The entire concept of a having to listen to the public is grating to them - only fellow NecroCultists know what is best for Hueco.)

Texas Parks and Wildlife will continue to (pretend to) monitor and assess (cook the data, make things up, and function as an out-of-control, un-elected bureaucracy - witness what happened to Mushroom in Dec 2007.) the condition of the resources of Hueco Tanks State Historical Park (keeping a sharp eye out for any little thing that they can use to justify keeping climbers out of Hueco). For additional information on the park or on the current Public Use-Restriction Plan contact the Park misManager.